Maven Dependancy Exclusion

Consider the case where you are using the Log4J2 however the logger you are trying to add into the file brings in log4j1.x.

You are missing a bunch of new functionality because logger still refers to old version.

Obvious so you need to remove the Transitive dependency but how to identify the transitive dependencies

mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=log4j:log4j


will show you the dependency-tree, but only the relevant excerpt. Using this information you can now add your exclusions to the affected pom.xml files


<!-- CXF Dependancies --><dependency>

Then you can enforce that the dependency needs to be some version and above 

                                    <!-- exclude all versions lower than 1.2.17-->                                   
Finally run a Maven Site plugin to generate the Dependancy site.
IF you follow the steps it POM should be clean by now.


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