
Showing posts from April, 2013

IE6 and IE7 Specific CSS

#element { color : #999 ; /* shows in all browsers */ * color : #999 ; /* notice the * before the property - shows in IE7 and below */ _ color : #999 ; /* notice the _ before the property - shows in IE6 and below */ }

JSF Composite Component

"cc" is a predefined variable and stands for Composite Component.It Reffers to the Top Level Component in component file UINaming Container. Main Property is " attrs " contains a Map of all the properties.Some of the other attributes parents children clientId  Use the “type” attribute of composite:attribute to hook the element(s) to bean properties       <composite:attribute name="value" required="true" type="coreservlets.Nameable"/> To Create the Backing Bean for the Custom Component Following Steps are important 1. Define the @FacesComponent("full class name") - This Defines the component which is newly created. 2. If Input Component UIInput must be extended and "NamingContainer" should be implemented. 3. Override getFamilyMethod as                            public String getFamily()                         ...

XML Schema Demistyfied

DTD's have limited namespace support so they are not used for webservice schema. Xml Schema is used to implement webservices. The Elements of XML Schema --------------------------- <xs:schema> the schema element is the root element.It can contain more attributes. Eg:  <?xml version="1.0"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> ... ... </xs:schema> xmlns:xs="" this specifies that the elements and datatypes are coming from ""name space and also these elements and datatypes must have a prefix xs. This need not be xmlns:xs alone it can be xmlns:xsd or any name. targetNamespace="" indicates that the elements defined by this schema comes from the namesp...

Adding Archetype to STS Over Proxy

If you are behind the firewall or Proxy then you need to configure the proxy settings for maven to update its catalogs. STS Maven  Update might not take the General - > Preference -- >Network  proxy settings. In Either cases it is always helpful to configure the Maven Settings file located under       window -> Preferences - >Maven Settings.  The file might not exist for first time so have to create a file and add it to the location the general file format is < settings xmlns = "" xmlns : xsi = "" xsi : schemaLocation = " http : // http : //"> < localRepository /> < interactiveMode /> < usePluginRegistry /> < offline /> < pluginGroups /> < servers /> < mirrors /> < proxies > ...